The Comeback Kitty...
The Comeback Kitty: How Nikola Bounced Back from a Mysterious Illness
For any pet owner, there’s nothing more worrying than when a beloved furry friend starts acting out of character. That was exactly the case with my cat, Nikola. At 10 years old, she had spent most of her life as an indoor cat—until we moved to a new house a few years ago. With dogs and a doggy door to navigate, it took her some time to figure out the newfound freedom of the backyard. But once she did, she adored it, spending her days lounging in the sun and returning inside at night like clockwork.
That is, until a month ago, when Nikola suddenly refused to go outside at all.
It was alarming. My once-adventurous Maine Coon mix, petite as she already was, seemed to be losing weight rapidly. Her normally lush coat became dry and bumpy, and she spent her days lying around the kitchen, seeking more attention than usual. As if that wasn’t enough, she started using the houseplants as her personal litter box—definitely not okay.
Something was clearly wrong. It was time to intervene.
After some careful inspection, I noticed scratches/bites at the base of her tail, leading me to suspect that something outside had chased and possibly bitten her. Could it have been another animal? A territorial cat? A lurking predator? Whatever it was, Nikola was shaken.
Determined to nurse her back to health, my wife and I sprang into action. We applied ointment to her tail, increased her food intake with nutrient-rich cat soups, and, in a daring act of bravery, gave her a much-needed bath. Now, if you’ve ever tried bathing a cat—especially one with a deep-seated dislike for water—you know this is not for the faint of heart. But to our surprise, she tolerated it, perhaps sensing that it was all part of her recovery.
Within a couple of weeks, the transformation was remarkable. Nikola’s weight improved, her coat regained its healthy shine, and most importantly, she rediscovered her love for the outdoors. Once again, she could be found basking in the sun, confident and content.
These days, when I’m home on the weekends, Nikola curls up on my lap, purring loudly with a look of absolute happiness. It’s a relief to have my old companion back to her adventurous, loving self. Watching her return to her routine has been a reminder of the resilience of our pets—and the importance of paying attention when they tell us something is wrong.
Nikola’s journey back to health wasn’t just about treating an injury; it was about care, patience, and a little extra love. And judging by the way she purrs at my side, I think she knows it too.
Welcome back, Nikola!